Multiple Facilities in One EyeOnWater Account

Q: Is it possible for a user with multiple properties to see all of their consumption data in EyeOnWater when different facility management companies provide water service to those properties?

A: Yes. Separate EyeOnWater dashboards can be linked to accounts in any number of facility companies. For example, if a user has accounts with ACME Property and City Manufacturing, they should follow these steps to create an EyeOnWater account with Acme Property. Then repeat the process to create another account with City Manufacturing.


  • EyeOnWater uses the service area zip or postal code to match an account number to a facility company. If there is more than one facility company in a given zip code, select the facility company via the list.
  • EyeOnWater lets the same email address be used as the user name for accounts with different water utilities.
  • The same or different passwords can be used for accounts with different facilities. If the same password is used for each facility, to view accounts with a given company, select that company from the list.
  • To change or reset a password(s), an EyeOnWatr user must click the Forgot Password link, and check their email inbox for separate reset password emails.

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